The question asked throughout the ages still remains, "Who is my neighbor?" Are you in Santa Barbara my neighbors? How about you in South Africa, Los Angeles, and Petaluma? Who really is my neighbor? Well, I have it easy here, so thought I'd pass on my sage wisdome to you. You ready? Wednesday I had a chance to learn who my immediate neighbors were. For those of you who don't know, I am currently the resident manager at the apartment building where I live. Me being, well, me, I just couldn't go any longer with the quick nods of the heads as we crossed paths or the uncomfortable chit-chat in the elevator. So, I decided to have a Community Gathering for the whole complex. My plan was to have no plan. Just provide a time and food and let the night happen as it may. What I thought would be an hour long light night turned into 4 quickly passed and fun hours! 6pm on Wednesday came and the ambiance was set. Candles in the courtyard, veggie platter with the hummus quartet from TJ's (the BEST), fruit in bowls, funky drinks and, of course, brownies. I just sat and waited... and waited... and waited... Finally, around 6:30, two of the more lived ladies in our community joined me and then out came my new friend Shannon. I was bracing for uncomfortable chit-chat as two completely different generations tried to converse. Instead, we had so much laughter and learned more about one another. Teresita (she is next to me in picture on the blog) is from Cuba, her husband from Germany. They met in Cuba while his father was stationed as the German ambassador to Cuba. She experienced the harshness of the Castro regime as everything was taken from her and her family. She has travelled the world, speaks boldy against Fidel and is quite witty! What a joy to get to know her. As the night progressed more community neighbors came, the circle widened, laughter became louder and stories were shared. Two of the guys who have both lived in this community for over a year just realized they played football against each other in high school. Great connection! Another couple is transitioning this weekend to another apartment in our community and everyone offered to help make the transition smoother. Again, connection! In just one night, many of us went from nodding heads with meaningless chit-chat to friends who now desire to make time to slow down and connect. Who could ask for more?! As Awareness, Connection, Action moves forward, I am very excited about the various areas it will flow with. Like water, it forges a path through sometimes un-travelled terrain and leaves a mark wherever it flows. It is the hope of ACA to help forge paths of Awareness, Connection, Action and to leave a lasting and meaningful impact upon the people it encounters. Whether it be a gathering in the courtyard of an apartment complex, a night of cards and conneciton on Skid Row, a conference to raise awareness... whatever it is, ACA desires to be in relationship in whatever form possible. Phew! Thank you for making it through this much longer update. If you would like to converse more about what is taking form, please visit
http://www.acaorg.blogspot.com/ Love and peace,
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