So, you may be scratching your head, scrolling back up to remind yourself who this e-mail is from. No, it’s not from the Sound of Music fan club giving you your daily dose of “wisdom”. It’s me… Amanda Nicole, speaking on behalf of Awareness, Connection, Action.
Since I last wrote, I have felt like Maria… a woman seemingly destined for one path, yet yearning for another. A woman who thought she had it all figured out, until life knocked her upside the head and reminded her that life is never all figured out.
Awareness, Connection, Action was brought to Los Angeles in a pretty package. The mission and vision were clearly stated along with goals and how to achieve them. Color photos and journal entries were included in the packet to finish off the professional presentation. ACA was going to LA to revolutionize the city and how the individuals connected with one another and those around the globe. Yes, a bit dramatic, but one has to dream, right?!
Well, the dreamer has awoken, a bit groggy, a bit sore and trying to find her bearings.
But, finally, the sleep has been wiped from the eyes and vision restored to see (as clearly as one can see in the smog of Los Angeles!) the dusty journey that awaits.
They (the ever elusive “they”) say that before one walks, they must crawl. I never crawled as a kid (a bit too simplistic for the young queen of the house!). I was pulled around by my brother and sister everywhere I wanted to go, until one day my mom had enough and gave me the choice to either sit and cry or crawl on my own. Neither choice seemed sufficient, so I got up and ran! That has been my journey to LA… a full-on sprint. It is now time to slow down and perhaps take some time to walk before running again. With that in mind, next Wednesday I will be meeting with two heads of research from SCOPE, a grass-roots and holistic social action non-profit working here in Los Angeles, to discuss the vision of Awareness, Connection, Action and how I can learn from them in this forming process and then how we can partner together in the future.
Thank you for journeying with me as Awareness, Connection, Action continues to unfold. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, needs for elaborations or thoughts you have. They are always appreciated! As always, more to come in the weeks ahead!
Much love and peace to you,
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