05 July 2007

Naked Truth

Greetings friends!

The last month has been the most encouraging thus far! Pieces are falling into place like never before and the ball is rolling toward establishing Awareness, Connection, Action as an officially recognized non-profit!

With this last month, I've been processing through what it means to truly help others and how it looks to train those who want to help. I've been seeking for a pureness, one magic solution that will cover all possible problems that may arise. Last week I was awakened to the reality that there is no special blue pill that works as a cure-all. This may sound quite obvious, as it did to me once it was revealed, but I think we are still engaged in a system that strives for a singular answer to address the variety of problems and concerns our world faces.

Below are some excerpts from my journal so you can follow along with me as I journey through the web of raising awareness, connecting lives to tangible needs, and moving those lives into action in a way that is "pure" to who they are.

As always, your love, encouragment and feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you all!

Two people stand side-by-side
Stripped of everything that made them "them"

Two people stand side-by-side
In pure form

Two people stand side-by-side

Americans are generally looking for a pure ideology. Whether in religion, politics, justice - we are looking for a way - THE WAY - to live life and thus a line to hold others to.

Are we willing to accept that this singular pureness may not exist in the form we think it does? Are we willing to accept that your way may not be the best way for others?

If we were to stand ten men or women side-by-side in complete nakedness we would see many similarities, but a variety of differences within those similarities. Just about all would have two arms, two legs, ten fingers and toes, a head, a torso, etc... But each of those basic similarities would vary from person to person. One would have wide feet and chubby fingers, the other slinder feet and long elegant fingers. But both work for the same purpose of walking, writing, holding, etc... These basic differences within the similarities exist within development and aid to the poor.

There is no magic approach that will effectively reach every people gorup and nation. We must look at the basic problems (water, food, disease) and approach with methods that will be most effective for the receivers as well as the givers.

There is a great need for the different pure abilities each of you can offer. You love Africa, perhaps feel a desire to serve the poor so you pack your bags and move to the mystical continent. Though this method may work for some, it may not be what is best for you or the ones you are trying to help.

Strip down and discover the naked truth of who you are and how can be purely effective in this life.

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