27 September 2006

No One Gets Hurt at Disneyland

Yesterday I had the joy of experiencing Disneyland through the eyes of children. Throughout the day I heard excited screams of "MICKEY!" "MINNIE!" "DONALD DUCK!" and proud exclamations when the 2 year old little girl told her mom how she flew a rocket ship with me! At one point, I waited with the 5 year old for his mom and 2 year old brother and sister near the first aid area. He asked why we were waiting and what "First Aid" meant. His dad and I explained that when people get hurt, they can come to the first aid room to get help. He paused for a moment then, with complete sincerity, exclaimed, "No one gets hurt at Disneyland ". For a child, Disneyland truly is the happiest place on earth with rides, endless treats and toys to overwhelm the senses and life size characters strolling around giving out hugs and high fives. To a 5 year old, the idea of someone getting hurt at Disneyland is just beyond comprehension.

If only life really did exist without anyone getting hurt. Like Disneyland , our culture over stimulates us with the idea that everything is good... perfect in fact. Our TV sets, magazines and movies are filled with beautiful people in large homes with their two-car garages and 2.1 kids. Or it takes the other extreme and depicts “real-life” people scamming and conning everyone is sight, only to be rewarded at the end with fame and most likely more money.

Los Angeles is painted as a place of never-ending celebrities, beautiful beaches, hot night spots, trendy shopping and the opulence of Beverly Hills and Malibu . As a 26 year old woman new to the area, I can honestly agree with everything stated. However, there is more than meets the eye…

Behind the fame, there exists Skid Row, Watts , Crenshaw... filled with drugs, gangs, homelessness. If we choose to scratch the surface of Los Angeles , we will see how easily it crumbles beneath our fingers. Though I and many others would like to believe in the progressiveness of LA and in it's wealth, I can not help but notice the poverty, greed and hopelessness that pervades society here.

As you read this, you may think this is just a "LA" issue or perhaps just a big city problem. It is, in fact, a world-wide concern. But there is hope! If each of us chooses to scratch the surface a bit, we will see the hidden in plain sight needs and can be better informed on what's truly taking place in our community, nation and world today to best help.

ACA is in a continual process of scratching surfaces and revealing the "other sides" of the story. There is much hope my friends and you can join with Awareness, Connection, Action bring an end to global poverty.

Each week, ACA will focus on various areas where you can get involved. This week will be Fair Trade purchases.

For all my coffee loving friends... you have the great opportunity of supporting farmers around the world. Wow, how great that just from purchasing fair trade coffee, you are helping to end poverty! Or, for all you chocolate lovers out there, fair trade chocolate is available at Trader Joes. And it's organic!

For more information regarding fair trade and why it is key in the process of ending global poverty, check out www.oxfam.org

Don't forget to visit www.acaorg.blogspot.com to leave comments, questions and to be updated on future events.

Love and peace,


letstrythis said...

Ignorance is bliss-tering.

Ziomal said...

Very nice! I like it. utah lesbian